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Cycling trails

Slovenske Konjice –
Zlati Grič

The path to the warm embrace of vines

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice
(Town Square)
Length: 2,77 km
very easy
 asphalt and gravel

A popular trail offers a stunning vantage point of the Old Square of Slovenske Konjice nestled amidst the vineyards. Map

Route: Mestni trg – Oplotniška ulica – Škalce – Zlati grič (and back)

Description of the route: From the Town Square, proceed towards the Slovenske Konjice Bus Station, then turn right onto Liptovska cesta Street, where you’ll encounter the intriguing Baronvaj Mansion. At the major intersection, make a left towards Oplotnica, and then another left onto Vinogradna ulica Street. As you ascend the hill towards Škalce, the road will transition into a gravel path. Along the way, you’ll pass by the Zlati Grič golf course and the Vineyard Mansion, offering a picturesque view of Slovenske Konjice, before descending to the Zlati Grič Wine Cellar, renowned for its modern facilities.

Additionally, visitors can rent electric or mountain bikes at TIC Slovenske Konjice. Price list.


You can also cycle to Zlati Grič from Zreče. The route follows the path of the former narrow-gauge railway, leading you through picturesque wine-growing hills.


Take the chance to linger amidst the vineyards, soaking in the panoramic vista of Slovenske Konjice and the mighty Konjiška gora Mountain, crowned by the Old Konjice Castle.


In one of the most modern wine cellars, Zlati grič Wine Cellar, take the opportunity to taste their superb wines and sparkling wines or embark on a tour of the wine cellar itself.

Slovenske Konjice –
Žička kartuzija

Simple cycling route to Žička kartuzija

Starting point: Old market centre of Slovenske Konjice

Length: 25 km (both ways)
Total ascent: 131 m
Time: 2 hours (both ways)
Difficulty:  medium

Surface: asphalt

The Carthusians were known for their silent lifestyle, so the serene beauty of the monastery still welcomes visitors who arrive without cars and minimize noise. Follow the picturesque cycling path that guides you to the magnificent Žička kartuzija Monastery.

Course: regional road Slovenske Konjice – Konjiška vas – Žiče – Špitalič – Žička kartuzija

Description of the route: From the town centre of Slovenske Konjice, cycle at the base of  Konjiška gora Mountain passing through Konjiška Vas and Žiče. Take a right turn and head directly towards the opposite side of the mountain. Soon, you’ll pass the Žiče quarry, home to the endemic and beautiful Žiče Grobeljnik, a tiny yellow plant. Continuing through the villages of Škedenj and Špitalič, you’ll enter the narrow and tranquil Valley of St. John the Baptist, where a breathtaking historical monument awaits: Žička kartuzija Monastery. Adjacent to it you’ll find Gastuž, Slovenia’s oldest operating inn dating back to 1467.

Consider renting electric or mountain bikes at TIC Slovenske Konjice for added convenience. Price list.


You can also opt for a more difficult cycling route that traverses Konjiška gora Mountain. Begin your journey in the Old Square of Slovenske Konjice and proceed towards the town cemetery. Follow the gravel road below the cemetery as it ascends Konjiška gora Mountain until you reach the intriguing Three Crosses. From there, turn onto the gravel road to the right, leading towards the village of Sojek. The road will transition to asphalt shortly after. Upon reaching a significant asphalt intersection, turn left towards Žička kartuzija Monastery.


The Žička kartuzija Monastery is a cultural monument of national importance and stands as the first of the Carthusian monasteries built in Central Europe in 1160. For a brief period, at the end of the 14th century, it served as the seat of the Prior General of the Roman Obedience, thus being recognized as the “metropolis” of the Carthusian Order. Delve into the intriguing history of this serene beauty.


In Gastuž, the oldest operating inn in Slovenia from 1467, you can enjoy a delightful meal and try some of their specialties.

»Konjice Bike« (Slovenske Konjice - Loče along the "Stara štrekna")

Popular track along the routes of the former Poljčane-Slovenske Konjice-Zreče narrow gauge railway

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice
Length: 20 km
Riding time: 1.5 hours
Difficulty: very easy surface
Surface: gravel and asphalt

The marked, two-way cycle path is pleasantly easy to ride. It follows the route of the former Poljčane­–Zreče narrow gauge railway, affectionately dubbed by locals as ‘Stara štrekna’ (the old railway track). This well-maintained path, measuring between 2-2.5 meters in width, guides you through the regulated section of the Dravinja Valley, winding across fields and meadows. Along the way, you’ll encounter numerous picturesque spots that practically beg you to pause for a photo.

Route: Slovenske Konjice – Draža Vas – Senožet – Loče (and back)

Description of the route: From the Town Square in Slovenske Konjice, head towards the post office and the Konus office building. At the next intersection, turn right, cross the bridge over the Dravinja River, and continue straight on Delavska cesta Street. As you reach a larger road bypass, make a left turn, cross the bridge once more, and then immediately turn right onto a straight road running parallel to the river. At this point, you’ll find yourself on the so-called “Stara štrekna,” the former narrow gauge railway line. From here onwards, the route is marked with red direction signs.

You’ll pass by the Ecological Waste Management Center, where the road transitions into a well-maintained gravel track, merging with the Prežigal Water Educational Trail. Enjoy a smooth ride on this flat road until you reach the highway, where the road veers to the right. Upon reaching the asphalt road, turn left and proceed through a small tunnel under the highway. Continue along the tarmac road parallel to the highway. This path will guide you to Draža Vas and the regional road, where you’ll make a right turn.

After crossing the bridge over the Dravinja River, turn left and follow the gravel path towards the airport located on the right side of the Dravinja. Upon reaching the airport, head towards the regional road, then turn left after about 150 meters onto the gravel path leading towards Loče. To visit Loče, follow the regional road, or alternatively, return along the same route. Additionally, electric or mountain bikes can be rented at TIC Slovenske Konjice. Price list.


The Poljčane–Slovenske Konjice narrow gauge railway, constructed in 1892, aimed to link areas abundant in natural resources with the Southern State Railway. Initially spanning only to Slovenske Konjice (15 km), it later extended to Zreče by 1921. When the train made its final journey on the narrow gauge railway in 1962, a wave of farewell marked its departure.

Loče - Draža vas - Žiče - Klokočovnik - Loče

A cycling route that connects Loče with neighboring villages

Starting point: Loče
Length: 20.7 km
Surface: asphalt

A circular cycling route, unmarked yet inviting, guides cyclists through the scenic Dravinja Valley and its undulating slopes, adorned with charming villages and captivating cottages.

Route: Loče – Koble – Draža Vas – Žiče – Klokočovnik – Suhadol – Lipoglav – Loče

Loče - Sv. Jernej - Zbelovo - Loče

A picturesque cycling route that offers views of not one, but two castles

Starting point: Loče
Length: 12.8 km
Surface: asphalt

An unmarked cycling route that ascends from Loče to the surrounding hills with beautiful views of the Dravinja Valley. Along the way, you will see two mighty historical landmarks, the Pogled Manor  in Loče and the Zbelovo Castle, which protected the paths along the Dravinja River in the past.

Route: Loče – Koble – Sv. Jernej – Vrh – Zbelovo – Mlače – Pogled – Loče

Slovenske Konjice - Žička kartuzija Monastery - Žiče - Zbelovo - Sv. Jernej - Novo Tepanje - Slovenske Konjice

Cycling trail, where we get to know and experience the municipality of Slovenske Konjice.

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice
Length: 48.6 km
Surface: asphalt and gravel

If you want to explore both the well-known and hidden gems of the municipality of Slovenske Konjice, this cycling route is perfect for you. This unmarked circular path begins in the town of Slovenske Konjice and ascends to Konjiška gora Mountain, then leads through to the Valley of St. John the Baptist, home to the impressive Žička kartuzija Monastery. The route continues through a narrow valley into the Dravinja Valley, reaching Zbelovo, before returning to Slovenske Konjice via the hilly terrain past Tepanje.

Route: Slovenske Konjice – Sojek – Žička kartuzija Monastery – Špitalič – Žiče – Loče – Zbelovo – Sveti Jernej – Spodnje Grušovje – Novo Tepanje – Brdo – Bezina – Slovenske Konjice

You can also rent electric or mountain bikes at TIC Slovenske Konjice. Price list.


Along the way, we can also see many interesting cultural monuments, including the Žička kartuzija Monastery, the Visitation of the Virgin Mary Church in Špitalič, Pogled Manor, Zbelovo Castle and the Church of St. Bartholomew, among others. For a delightful continuation of the route, be sure to admire the fresco of St. Christopher on the façade of the Church of the St. Peter in Žiče. You will certainly find plenty of opportunities for pleasant stops along the way.

Slovenske Konjice – Tepanje – Slovenske Konjice

Circular cycling route to Tepanje

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice
Length: 12.8 km
Surface: asphalt

This circular cycling route takes you through the sunny Dravinja Hills, the village of Tepanje, and the pleasant plains along the Dravinja River. The diverse terrain offers a variety of scenic views.

 An unmarked circular path ascends from Slovenske Konjice to the village of Gabrovnik and to sunny hilly areas that allow for beautiful photography. After these, you can descend past Tepanjski vrh into the valley, to the developing village of Tepanje. From there, take the official two-way cycling path towards Slovenske Konjice. But not for long, as the cycling route soon leaves the trail and turns left towards the village of Prežigal. After a while, you will cross the Dravinja river and return to Konjice after a level terrain past the lovely villages of Breg and Blato.

An unmarked circular path ascends from Slovenske Konjice to the village of Gabrovnik, offering sunny hilly areas perfect for beautiful photography. From there, you can descend past Tepanjski Vrh into the valley, reaching the developing village of Tepanje. Follow the official two-way cycling path towards Slovenske Konjice, but not for long, as the route soon veers left towards the village of Prežigal. After some time, you’ll cross the Dravinja River and return to Slovenske Konjice along level terrain, passing the charming villages of Breg and Blato.

Route: Slovenske Konjice – Gabrovnik – Brdo – Tepanjski vrh – Tepanje – Prežigal – Breg – Blato – Slovenske Konjice


If you just want to visit Tepanje, you can also reach it from Slovenske Konjice via the regional cycling route R29, which follows the Slovenske Konjice–Tepanje route.

A two-way bicycle path has been constructed on this section, starting at the roundabout near the Hofer store at the exit from Slovenske Konjice and ending at the roundabout at the highway entrance. This well-maintained cycle path is just over 3,230 meters long and 2.5 meters wide. You can also rent electric or mountain bikes at TIC Slovenske Konjice.  Price list.

Bike parks

The "Konjice Trails"
Cycle Park

Konjiška gora Mountain offers a variety of cycling routes, ranging from leisurely rides to more adrenaline-fueled adventures.

Starting point: Bike Ranch Nana’s House, Breg pri Konjicah 3, 3210 Slovenske Konjice
Length: 19 km
Numberof routes: 14
Difficulty: medium
Surface: forest paths, gravel, asphalt

Konjiška gora Mountain offers a wide variety of terrains, ensuring that every cyclist can find a suitable route. Even the most demanding adrenaline enthusiasts will find thrilling paths to satisfy their adventurous spirits.

Currently, there are about 5 kilometers of downhill trails at all levels of difficulty in the Konjice Trails cycling park. Due to the interesting structure of the Konjice Mountains, the tracks are not among the easiest, but their creators have made sure that every cyclist can find something which appeals to them. The use of the bike park is free of charge. You can also use a bicycle taxi (bike shuttle), and accommodation for cyclists and equipment has also been taken care of.

In the picturesque Konjice Trails cycling park, nestled within the captivating mountains of Slovenske Konjice, approximately 5 kilometers of diverse downhill trails await enthusiasts of all skill levels. The topography of the region lends itself to exhilarating, albeit challenging, routes, carefully crafted by dedicated trail designers to cater to every cyclist’s preferences and abilities. Embracing inclusivity, access to the bike park is completely free of charge, ensuring that adventure-seekers of all backgrounds can indulge in the thrill of mountain biking. For added convenience, a bicycle taxi service, also known as a bike shuttle, is available, facilitating easy transportation to and from the trails. Furthermore, the cycling park offers comfortable accommodation options tailored specifically for cyclists, along with provisions for securely storing equipment, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience.

More information.

Bike Center Konjice – BCK
3210 Slovenske Konjice

T: +386 (0)69 799 923
M: +386 (0)51 444 141


  • Geologically, Konjiška gora Mountain serves as an extension of the Karavanke mountain range, smoothly transitioning into notable peaks such as Boč, Donačka gora Mountain, and Macelj. Comprising primarily of Triassic limestones and dolomites, with Permian formations prevalent in the southeast, this rugged terrain offers a rich tapestry of geological wonders waiting to be explored.
  • The Old Konjice Castle, one of Styria’s largest and most magnificent, also ranks among the oldest castles in Slovenia. It was first referenced in 1165 in the charter of the founding of the Žička kartuzija Monastery, though its construction likely predates this mention.

Pump Track Trail
Slovenske Konjice

A polygon for cycling, skateboarding, rollerblading and scooter enthusiasts

Type: standard
Year built: 2021
Area: 860 m2
Asphalt area: 440 m2

For diverse sports enthusiasts, the Slovenske Konjice Sports Hall features a polygon characterized by undulating bumps and interconnected bends, forming a rhythmic circular loop. Primarily frequented by cyclists, it also provides a suitable terrain for skateboarding, roller skating, and scooter riding.

The renowned pump track is a robust earthen course that captivates even the youngest riders as they navigate their initial turns on a bike. Seasoned cyclists, on the other hand, find themselves irresistibly drawn to its undulating terrain. Negotiating the track requires no pedaling or pushing; instead, riders rely solely on shifting their body’s center of gravity.


The Pump Track serves as an excellent platform for enhancing children’s motor skills, fostering improved concentration and coordination.