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Slovenske Konjice

In the Embrace of Noble Stories

Guided tour of the city center of Slovenske Konjice

During a guided walk, visitors delve into the rich history and heritage of Slovenske Konjice.

Expert tourist guides will narrate the stories that have shaped the lives of the inhabitants of Slovenske Konjice, both in the past and present. Along the way, visitors will delve into the town’s nearly 900-year history, tracing its origins beneath the enigmatic Konjiška gora Mountain, exploring market houses, monuments, and significant buildings. The tour commences at the Town Square and concludes at the Trebnik Manor.


You can read more about the city centre of Slovenske Konjice here.

Konjice Leather

Get to know Slovenske Konjice stories that smell like leather

The themed guided tour of Slovenske Konjice will introduce you to an important aspect of local history, leaving an indelible mark on the place.

Before the advent of plastics, leather held significant importance as a raw material, leading to the presence of tanners in nearly every market as far back as the Middle Ages. In Slovenske Konjice, the Lavrič family played a pivotal role in the leather industry, swiftly establishing themselves as one of Slovenia’s foremost leather establishments. Following the World War II, this legacy evolved into the company Konus, renowned not only for its quality but also as a key catalyst for the region’s development.


In Slovenske Konjice’s Old Square, one can find one of the few remaining leather guild signs in Slovenia adorning the façade of a house.

Following in Minatti's Footsteps

Guided tour with a touch of Minatti poetry 

Embark on a journey following the footsteps of the renowned poet Ivan Minatti from Slovenske Konjice, who penned the famous masterpiece ‘You Must Love Someone’.

Few are aware that on March 22, 1924, the esteemed Slovenian poet, translator, publicist, and academic Ivan Minatti was born in the old city centre of Slovenske Konjice. Though he left the town along the Dravinja River at the age of five, he cherished returning to it, especially in the later years of his life. The people of Konjice often encountered him at cultural events, strolling around the city with his wife, Lojzka, or amidst the vine-covered hills. In recognition of his contributions, Slovenske Konjice bestowed upon him the title of ‘Honorary Citizen’. With a guide, you’ll explore the places in the city that shaped Minatti’s life, while also listening to excerpts from his poetry, as well as verses from his wife, Lojzka Špacapan, and their daughter, the poet Katarina Minatti.


Indulge in Minatti’s coffee, a uniquely flavoured brew served in a distinctive manner—with the added touch of Minatti’s poetry.

Žička kartuzija Monastery

Life of the Carthusians

Get to know the life of the Carthusians

Accompanied by a guide, visitors will delve into the fascinating history and lifestyle of the Carthusians at the Žička kartuzija Monastery.

The first Carthusians from the Great Carthusian Monastery in France arrived in the secluded Valley of St. John the Baptist in 1160. The Žiče Carthusian Monastery stood as the pioneering establishment of its kind in Central Europe, and by the end of the 14th century, it briefly served as the seat of the General Prior of the Roman Obedience. During the guided tour, visitors will uncover numerous captivating anecdotes about the monks’ daily routines, organizational structure, their influence on the surrounding areas, and much more.

Carthusians from the Great Carthusian Monastery in France came to the remote Valley of St. John the Baptist in 1160. The Žiče Carthusian Monastery was the first monastery of its kind in Central Europe, and at the end of the 14th century it even became the seat of the General Prior of the Roman Obedience for a short period of time. On the guided tour, visitors will learn many interesting stories about what their everyday life looked like, how they were organised, what their impact was on the surrounding places and much more.


More about the Žička kartuzija Monastery, a monastery of the Carthusian religious order, can be found here.

Žička kartuzija Monastery for the youngest

Experiential guided tour of the Žička kartuzija Monastery

A guide helps children connect with the historical life in the Carthusian monastery in an engaging, understandable and playful manner.

Adventure guiding through the Žička kartuzija Monastery is designed to be interactive, ensuring children remain engaged throughout. Through role-playing, menu creation from the monastery kitchen, charades, and other activities, they immerse themselves in the lives of monks and gain insights into how their days were spent within the monastery walls.


In addition to experiential guiding, the program also features tea from the Majnika Herbal Garden, served in Gastuž which stands as the oldest operating inn in Slovenia.


"Experience the light of silence"

Experience the Žička kartuzija Monastery in a different way and enter the light of silence in the monastery’s herbal garden


During a guided experience, visitors immerse themselves in the tranquility and natural sounds of pristine surroundings, while also delving into the lives of the Carthusians, who dedicated themselves to herbalism and led lives of profound contemplation.

The herbal garden at the Žička kartuzija Monastery, tended by Majda and Katja Temnik, provides an ideal setting for a distinct connection with the tranquility and natural sounds of the surroundings. At dawn, before the doors of the Carthusian monastery open, participants spend an hour in guided silence. Through leaflets containing prompts, exercises, and reflections, participants are gently led through an authentic, direct experience of silence amidst the pure sounds of nature.

Program includes:

  • a unique immersion in silence amidst the pristine natural surroundings of the monastery,
  • the ‘Light of Silence’ booklet,
  • homemade apple strudel from Gastuž – the oldest operating inn in Slovenia,
  • a cup of Majnika Homemade Tea from our organic production and
  • a ticket for the Žička kartuzija Monastery.

Katja Temnik
Žiče 66a, 3215 Loče
T:  031 317 109 (Katja)


  • Enhance your sense of tranquility and rejuvenate your energy by strolling along the path of energy points surrounding the monastery walls.
  • The Žička kartuzija Monastery stands as a cultural monument of national significance, being the pioneering Carthusian monastery constructed in Central Europe in 1160. Their superiors, known as Priors, also played instrumental roles in founding other Carthusian monasteries across this region. Additionally, for a brief period in the late 14th century, it served as the seat of the Prior General, thus holding a prominent position within the Carthusian Order.


When you reach Žička kartuzija Monastery on foot by trekking through Konjiška gora Mountain. Alternatively, you can opt for a cycling route either over the mountain or along the regional road.

Silent withdrawal

Žička kartuzija Monastery, together with many providers, invites you to a special green experience, full of peace, energy, tastes, views and unforgettable silence


The Žička kartuzija Monastery, nestled in the secluded Valley of St. John the Baptist near Slovenske Konjice, is a marvel of quiet beauty. With roots tracing back to the 12th century, this former Carthusian monastery remains a haven of peace, tranquility, and serenity, where the sounds of modern life rarely intrude. Here, visitors can explore authentic Carthusian gardens, a charming herbal shop, a pottery workshop and even a sparkling wine cellar, Gastuž 1467, the oldest operating inn in Slovenia, stands as a remarkable testament to preserving cultural heritage. Notably, the Church of the St. John the Baptist has contributed to Žička kartuzija Monastery being recognized as one of the TOP 100 most sustainable destinations in the world in 2022. In contemporary terms, we can liken the Carthusians, as one of the most austere monastic orders, to pioneers of living in harmony with nature and themselves. They found sustainable ways to support their community without causing harm to the environment or society. As early as the 12th century, the monks of Žička kartuzija Monastery embodied principles of responsible living, focusing on human welfare, environmental stewardship, and economic sustainability. Today, the custodians of Žička kartuzija Monastery are committed to reintegrating these values into its daily life. Slowly but surely, Žička kartuzija Monastery is emerging from its centuries-long slumber.

Our green experience is tailored for a limited, smaller number of visitors, ideally 12 individuals plus a guide, mirroring the exact count of monks and the Prior (12 + 1) who once resided here. The minimum group size is 8 participants. We collaborate with numerous providers who contribute to the vibrancy of today’s Žička kartuzija Monastery, so booking at least 3 days in advance is necessary. The optimal time to partake in this experience is from April to the end of September, spanning from early morning to late afternoon. This timeframe allows for a deep immersion in the serene atmosphere, enabling you to hear the silence and absorb the whispered tales that Žička kartuzija Monastery has quietly held since the 12th century.

You can see the full program HERE.

PRICE PER PERSON:  60€ (with a minimum attendance of 8 people)

PRICE INCLUDES:   Guided tour of the garden; Premium Herbal Salt; Guided walk along the Silent Energy Themed Path of the Žička kartuzija Monastery; Guided tour to the viewing platform with a viewpoint niche above the church presbytery accompanied by Gregorian chants; Pottery demonstration at the potter’s shop; Tasting of 3 types of homemade bread, 4 types of herbal spreads and bread, and 5 types of herbal drinks at the herbalist’s shop; A glass of Zlati Grič Sparkling Wine; A portion of the Carthusian Stew “Ole Potride” with homemade bread and baked apple filled with nuts, almonds, and cream; A leaflet about the Žička kartuzija Monastery, a destination newspaper, and other promotional material.

BOOKINGS : TIC Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg 27, 3210 Slovenske Konjice | T: +386 (0)3 759 31 10 | M: +386 (0)51 444 140 | E:


You can also reach Žiče Carthusian Monastery on foot, via Konjiška gora or by bicycle – the Carthusians were an extremely silent order, which is why the Žička Carthusian Monastery still prefers their guests to arrive without a car and without any noise.