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Learning routes

Little Dragon's Learning Trail

Get to know the interesting flora and fauna and the mysteries of Konjiška gora Mountain

Starting point: The Pod goro primary school, Slovenske Konjice
Length: 3 km
Elevation: 190 m
Walking time: 2 hours (circular route)
Difficulty: easy

A dragon, who once lived in the heart of Konjiška gora Mountain, will lead hikers along Zmajček Forest Educational Trail. You will be able to follow his story through interesting information boards, and you will also learn about the interesting flora, fauna, rocks, as well as the cultural history of the mountain, which marked the inhabitants of the valley.

Description of the route:  The route commences at the Pod goro Primary School, where the first information board awaits. Gradually ascend the asphalt road toward the city cemetery, with lush orchards welcoming you on one side. Proceed along the road to the forest, where the path diverges from the gravel road, veering right into the woodland. Along this delightful forest path, amidst the chorus of birdsong, you’ll encounter the spring of the enigmatic Gospodična Stream, a hunting observatory, the imposing Old Konjice Castle, and an abandoned quarry. Continue into the valley toward the final information board, passing by Trebnik Manor and its picturesque park along the route. Throughout the journey, revel in the splendid vistas, while children will find added delight in the various tasks presented on the information boards.


Relax in the park overlooking Trebnik Manor and immerse yourself in the tranquil sounds of nature.


On 12+1 themed boards, alongside intriguing content, you’ll also discover QR codes designed to enhance your journey:

  • engage in simple physical exercises,
  • learn about the legend of the Konjice dragon,
  • explore a 3D model of Konjice Castle.

Petelinjek Nature
Educational Trail

Nature trail to the Petelinjek wetland

Starting point: along the road, 600 meters east of Sveti Jernej (educational board)
Length: 3 km
Time: 1 hour
Difficulty: very light

On the educational trail, you’ll discover the diversity of wetlands, ponds, forests, and surrounding meadows. Along a straightforward yet inspiring path, you’ll encounter 13 information boards designed to foster a deeper appreciation for nature. The Petelinjek Wetland, spanning an area of 37 hectares near the village of Ličnica, is safeguarded under the European nature protection network, Natura 2000. Comprising four ponds—Štatenberšek, Štepihovec, Polšak, and Stari gaj—it serves as a vital habitat for various species.

Description of the route: After parking along the road, 600 meters east of Sveti Jernej, you’ll encounter the first educational board. From there, embark on the circular route. You have the option to proceed either left or right, as the path forms a loop. The terrain is flat and uncomplicated, making it easy to navigate. Well-trodden and occasionally boardwalked, particularly in marshy sections, the trail is straightforward to follow. Benches are conveniently placed along the route, providing opportunities to rest and soak in the surroundings.


The Natural History Educational Trail features numerous endangered plants and animals:

  • medicinal burnet, a crucial nutrient source for two butterfly species: Phengaris teleius and P. nausithous,
  • numerous orchids, with the most common being the cuckoo orchid,
  • the medicinal plant sweet flag
  • schoenoplectus mucronatus (bog bulrush),
  • 30 species of dragonflies, with more than half of them found in Slovenia,
  • 30 species of birds,
  • various amphibians,
  • some reptiles.

Prežigal Water
Educational Trail

A pleasant educational path along the Dravinja River

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice
Length: 9 km
Time: 2 hours
Difficulty: light

The educational trail winds through gently sloping terrain alongside the Dravinja River, tracing the former route of the old PoljčaneZreče narrow gauge railway. Along the way, visitors will learn about the Dravinja River and its tributaries, as well as the underground storage facilities in wells and hydromelioration channels.

Circular route: Slovenske Konjice–straight road along the former railway line along the Dravinja river–the waste management centre–circular route along Prežigal–return along the former railway line to Slovenske Konjice.

Description of the route:  The route begins in Slovenske Konjice, where you can embark on the former Poljčane–Zreče narrow gauge railway line leading toward the waste management center in Prežigal. From there, proceed along the gravel road, following the information boards marking the circular route that eventually loops back to the waste management center.


Along the way, you will encounter 8 information boards that offer intriguing topics:

  • river basin,
  • about Dravinja’s protected forests along the Dravinja River,
  • centennial oaks in Prežigal,
  • cultural landscape along the Dravinja River,
  • melioration trenches and their functions,
  • the Dravinja River,
  • village well on Prežigal,
  • the waste management centre.

Energy route

The Silent Energy
of the Žička kartuzija Monastery

Along the path of energy points

Explore the energies of the monastery by following the marked themed path that encircles its walls, and immerse yourself in the energy circle experience.

The Žička kartuzija Monastery has always been revered as a sanctuary for spiritual retreat, silence, and remarkable energy. This sentiment still holds true today, as contemporary individuals increasingly seek refuge from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and modern technology.

Since October 2020, the Silent Energy of the Žička kartuzija Monastery, a themed energy path, has been established on the monastery grounds. This initiative was developed in collaboration with Jože Munih from the Tolmin Energy Path Private Institute, with assistance from Drago Iršič, a seasoned herbalist.

The energy path meanders directly along the monastery walls and partially into its interior. It is outfitted with information boards and seating areas, allowing visitors to bask in the serene energy of the forest while accompanied by the gentle murmur of a nearby stream. According to Jože Munih, the creator of this path, the Žička kartuzija Monastery exudes extraordinary energy, particularly in its water sources, which are believed to have a beneficial impact on our health and well-being.


At the entrance to the energy path, you’ll encounter an information board presenting a brief overview of the path, chakras, and descriptions of the points along the route. Among these points is the second most powerful water energy source in Slovenia. Visitors have the opportunity to collect this water, ideally in a glass bottle, to either drink immediately or take home with them.


The energy path is designed for anyone seeking respite from the busyness and commotion of daily life. Whether alone or with loved ones, you can relax in the seating areas adjacent to the energy points and immerse yourself in the tranquility and natural sounds of the surroundings.


In the vicinity of the energy trail, there are numerous hiking trails. Visitors frequently choose the route through Konjiška gora Mountain, which allows them to explore its highest peak, Stolpnik, as well as attractions such as the viewpoint at Skala, Old Konjice Castle, or the Zmajček Forest Educational Trail.

Literary and Tourist Route

Following in
Minatti's footsteps

Following in the footsteps of our great lyrical poet Ivan Minatti

Starting point: The Slovenske Konjice bus station
Length: 1.8 km
Elevation: 30 m
Walking time: 30 min
Difficulty: easy

You can also trace the path of our poet on your own. The leaflet will lead you through the places associated with Minatti’s life. Born on March 22, 1924, in Slovenske Konjice, the renowned figure of Slovenian poetry spent his first five years here. Besides being a translator, publicist, and academic, he is most remembered for his famous poem, ‘You Must Love Someone’.

Description of the route: The route commences at the Slovenske Konjice Bus Station, leading through the Town Square to the old market centre. The leaflet highlights buildings associated with Minatti’s life. Along the way, take a break at the Tattenbach Pub, where you can savor a delightful Minatti coffee alongside a poetic roll. Conclude your literary journey at the monument of Ivan Minatti, situated in front of the media house Novice&Radio Rogla. Here, you can relax on a bench beside the monument, and at Minatti’s bookstore, you’re welcome to borrow a book and enjoy a moment of reading.


Poetry was deeply ingrained in Minatti’s family, as evidenced by his wife, Lojzka Špacapan, and their daughter, Katarina Minatti, who are both esteemed poets.