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Hiking trails

Slovenske Konjice –

The highest peak of Konjiška gora Mountain with a viewing tower

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice Cemetery (380 m)
Length: 13 km (both ways)
Total ascent: 679 m
Walking time: 3 hours (both ways)
Difficulty: medium to difficult

At the summit of Konjiška gora Mountain, hikers are welcomed by a 25-meter-high metal tower. In clear weather, visitors can enjoy panoramic views stretching across Slovenia and beyond from the top. Hikers have the opportunity to register their visit in the summit’s registration book, which also includes a mountain stamp.

Description of the route: Above the Slovenske Konjice Cemetery, adjacent to the Church of the St. Anne, a steep path leads into the forest, eventually revealing the Old Castle of Konjice. Upon reaching the castle, descend towards the intersection of roads leading over Konjiška gora Mountain. Follow the markings guiding you up the road, then veer left onto a path. After the initial steep ascent, the terrain becomes more moderate, offering scenic views of the Dravinja Valley. Continue ascending until you reach the highest peak of Konjiška gora, standing at 1012 meters. At the crossroads of the Counts of Štant, you can climb a few meters further to reach the lookout tower, providing expansive views in clear weather.


  • Annually, on December 26th, the Day of Independence and Unity of the Republic of Slovenia, a traditional winter ascent to Stolpnik takes place, attracting numerous mountaineers. This event is not only attended by members of the local Slovenske Konjice Mountaineering Association but also by mountaineers from neighboring associations and beyond.
  • Stop at the Old Konjice Castle, where you can enjoy a stunning view of the historic market center of Slovenske Konjice and, in the distance, the picturesque hills of Pohorje lining the Dravinja Valley.
  • The initial lookout tower on the highest peak of Konjiška gora Mountain was erected after World War II. However, being constructed of wood, the original tower eventually deteriorated and collapsed. In 1997, a new metal tower was commissioned by the Slovenske Konjice Mountaineering Society and built by the local company, Kongrad d.d. Most of the materials for the construction were transported to the site through voluntary efforts by members of the society. The names of all donors who contributed funds towards the tower’s construction are inscribed on the structure. Standing at 25 meters tall and boasting 140 steps, the tower offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.


You can extend your hike by taking a longer circular path, continuing from Stolpnik to the Three Crosses, and then descending to the southern side of Konjiška gora Mountain, all the way down to Žička kartuzija Monastery (425 m).

Begin your hike to Stolpnik at the Žička kartuzija, where you can visit one of the most significant monasteries in Slovenia. Along the way, you’ll find Gastuž, where you can stop for refreshments at Café Gastuž 1467 or Restaurant Spargus

Alternatively, you can start the hike to Stolpnik in Zreče at Ribniki Stranice (Stranice Lakes). While this route is more demanding due to its length and ascent, you’ll be rewarded with interesting terrain and breathtaking views.

Slovenske Konjice –
Skala on Konjiška gora

Popular alpine spot with locals

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice Sports Hall (333 m)
Length: 3km (both ways)
Total ascent: 420 m
Walking time: 95 min (both ways)
Difficulty: easy

Skala is a scenic viewpoint that juts out from the northern forest slope of Konjiška gora Mountain. It provides a distinctive vantage point overlooking Slovenske Konjice and a significant portion of the Dravinja Valley, with Pohorje visible to the north and Boč and Dravsko polje Field to the east. Along this trail, hikers will find benches and a table, while at the summit, there is a registration book and a stamp for visitors to use.

Description of the route: From the sports hall in Slovenske Konjice, head up the road and then at the cemetery with the Church of St. the Anne, turn to the left. For a short time, the path will lead you along the road, and above the cemetery slightly to the right through the rock shelves to the ruins of the Old Castle of Konjice.

At the clearing opposite the castle, cross the gravel road and follow the trail markers into the forest. The path will lead you to the left of the Konjska smrt Gorge, eventually reaching a bend in the forest road that heads towards the southern side of Konjiška gora Mountain. Follow the markers leftward to the cart track, then onto the path through the forest, which serves as a shortcut back to the aforementioned road. Once there, follow the signpost directing you left onto the forest path. Enjoy a leisurely walk along the hunting trail leading to Skala.


There is also a direct path to Skala, which is very steep and includes climbing in the last part. This path is quite demanding, so we strongly recommend wearing a protective helmet and appropriate gear. The path spans 2.2 km in both directions, with an estimated walking time of 85 minutes.

You can also continue along the trail to the southern side of Konjiška gora Mountain towards Žička kartuzija Monastery, where you can visit one of the most significant monasteries in our country (Hiking trail: Slovenske Konjice – Žička kartuzija Monastery). After you hike, you can enjoy a pleasant refresment at Gastuž. Alternatively, you can choose Žička kartuzija Monastery as your starting point for hike to Skala.

Slovenske Konjice –
Žička kartuzija

On foot in the quiet Valley of St. John the Baptist.

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice Cemetery (380m)
Length: 12 km
Total ascent: 490 m
Walking time: 2 hours (one way)
Difficulty: medium to demanding

To the mighty ruins of the former monastery in the Valley of St. John the Baptist on a pleasant path that leads across Konjiška Gora. The Carthusians were a silent order, so Žička Kartuzija still prefers any guests who visit it to arrive without a car and without any noise.

Description of the route: The initial segment of the route mirrors the ascent to Skala, Slovenske Konjice’s most popular hiking point, which remains visible throughout the journey. Continuing in the same direction from Skala, following the signposts for Žička kartuzija Monastery, proceed along a narrow path towards the summit of Konjiška gora Mountain, eventually transitioning to a sandy trail. Upon reaching this point, begin the descent towards Žička kartuzija Monastery. Upon reaching the asphalt road, turn left, passing a small bus stop and a larger farm, then turn right and descend further. As you descend towards the Carthusian monastery, adhere to the markings and signs guiding you to Žička kartuzija Monastery at all times. The path will traverse through meadows and cart tracks, eventually leading into the forest. Initially, the path will continue straight along the forest’s leveled section before veering slightly to the right onto a moderately steep, albeit short, descent. This path leads to the valley below the eastern part of the Žička kartuzija Monastery walls.


If you prefer an alternative to the gravel forest path, you can continue along the road leading to the Old Konjice Castle at the cemetery in Slovenske Konjice. Instead of turning left towards the Old Konjice Castle, proceed straight in the direction of the Three Crosses. Eventually, you will reach the same asphalt road, passing by a small bus stop and a farm. From this point onward, continue your journey following the previously described route. Map


The Žička kartuzija Monastery is a cultural monument of national significance, dating back to around 1160. It stands as the inaugural Carthusian monastery established in Central Europe. Notably, at the close of the 14th century, it briefly served as the seat of the Prior General of the Roman Obedience, holding the prestigious status as the “metropolis” of the Carthusian Order.


At the Café Gastuž 1467 and the Spargus Restaurant, both located within the oldest operating inn in Slovenia, you can try some of their specialties.

hiking trail

Hiking trail connecting Loče and Zbelovo

Starting point: Loče (Lopan tourist farm)
Length: 21km (circular path)
Total ascent: 630 m
Hiking time : 8 hours
Difficulty: easy

The marked circular Loško-Zbelovska hiking trail offers hikers an opportunity to explore intriguing corners of the eastern part of the municipality of Slovenske Konjice.

Description of the route: The trail commences in Loče, traverses past Mlače to Zbelovo, and then ascends to Ljubična gora Hill and Zbelovska Gora—hills that connect Boč with Konjiška gora Mountain. Continuing in a westerly direction, the circular path descends back to the valley, passing through Suhadol. Along this route, hikers will encounter numerous captivating sights, including the of God Church on Ljubica, Mary’s Steps, several chapels, the Maribor-Celje railway underpass, and charming villages, all amidst breathtaking views.


Every third Sunday in September, the Loče Alpine Society organizes a collective hike along the Loško-Zbelovska mountain trail, offering participants the opportunity to collect stamps along the way.